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I'm looking for memories in the fog and I hear this voice,

Rushing to the window and just wonder who's calling me.

Galloping horseshoes in the may-morning rhythm,
Today is a market day, horseshoes knocking.

I'm running like mad
as if pulled by a magnet ,
it's not important that that cars are hooting that I have only seen four winter,
  Just the moment that matter.

I'm standing like Alice charmed before You
You're standing , still as stone , in front of me.

  With sparkles glittering in your eyes, serpent-neck, breath-swolled nostrils
The crunching rein breaks the silence.
Your bewitching eyes, graceful curves.
And I am spellbound.

And we sped of
Carried by an extreme force , hooves hearts pounding,
  Galloping like dragon's breath,
His trace imprinted in the earth like deep wells.
Carried by the rhythm of the storm, he galloped like lightning,
Fire, Earth, Wind ...  Arab horse free.

                                                                                                        Anna Damman


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Titanium Arabians is a young stud farm of Arabian horses. Our farm is located just under the Pyrenees mountains, South France. Hilly terrains, hot air from Spain, warm winters and close to Atlantic ocean makes the microclimate specific and fitting our pets.
Our breeding program is based on Polish mares that we consider as the best genetic pool for our program. The profile of our breeding is focused on both show and a bit different one - endurance types of pure bred horses.

Titanium Arabians is also a training center specializing in long distance riding. We think that this discipline is the best proof for the strenght and stamina for pure bred horses. Our riders are on the top of French ranking list who take part in the highest rank events both in France and internationally. Our geographical seat makes our horses strong and well prepared physically for the most difficult endurance competitions in the mountains.

We kindly invite all the Arabian horse lovers to visit our websites frequently. We would love to share our passion for this breed.

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